My Story

With over 20 years combined experience as a registered nurse and pharmacist, I have seen first hand where traditional medicine is lacking: in seeing the patient as an individual, in examining the source of the problem and in taking a proactive approach to keeping us well.

I believe in the power of food, friends and using the intuitive knowledge each of us has of how our bodies work and function.  We are all unique and deserve to have our personal concerns and wellness goals met.

I look forward to working with you soon. 

My Passion

Working in healthcare has been my passion since I was a child.  I had chronic strep throat infections with many visits to the doctor and when I was 10 had a severe infection with Epstein Barr, leading to mononecleosis which kept me out of school for 4 months.  My healthcare team were my heroes – they got me feeling well again and were there to support me when I needed it.  I knew then that I wanted to help others in the same way and became a candy striper at 13, a pharmacy technician at 18 and then finished my nursing degree when I was 21 years old.  A shoulder and back injury made nursing to retirement not feasible, and so I returned to my pharmacy roots and graduated Mercer University in 2010 with a concurrent MBA, hoping to one day open my own pharmacy.

I’ve also struggled with chronic joint pain since I was a child.  I can remember barely being able to make a fist on cool mornings when I was just 5 years old and had my first steroid injections in my hips at 18.  They told me I was “too flexible” and to stop doing yoga.  I didn’t listen.  The pain though never really ceased and after injuring my shoulder it felt like someone was constantly tapping to get my attention and it was driving me crazy.  I tried neuromuscular stimulation,  physical therapy, chiropractic, narcotics, gabapentin (which really did make me crazy – ask my old roommate); nothing really worked, although they would take the edge off a bit.  Finally in the midst of anxiety attacks after my dad passed away and just before COVID hit, I started duloxetine which is an antidepressant but with some pretty impressive nerve pain relief benefits.  All was great until I decided to wean off in 2023.  I spent 6 weeks wondering if I were ever going to be normal again – my head felt so heavy I had to physically hold it up when looking at the computer at work.  I had severe vertigo and it felt like my body just kept moving long after I had physically stopped and I was jumpy like my nervous system had been set aflame, which I guess it had been.  

The whole process of weaning from duloxetine is ultimately what brought me to Functional Medicine.  I researched any and every thing I could to get myself well.  I couldn’t believe that I had been recommending this medication to patients as an alternative for their pain when the side effects of coming off were so severe.  Clearly this had been wrecking havoc on my body in a way that I was never aware.  So I began to get to the root of the problem.  For me, it was largely inflammation based, and as I started to focus on my gut health, quality sleep and stress reduction the transformation was immediate and intense.  

My Goals

After experiencing such a complete and rapid change in my health, to levels I didn’t even realize I could reach, I knew I had to share this information with others.  It isn’t that conventional medicine is bad, it’s just that the entire system is.  Providers are locked in to spending quality time adhering to insurance requirements as opposed to getting to know their patients at a deeper level.  The approach has morphed to being reactive instead of focusing on ways that we can stay well. 

Our bodies are equipped with many mechanisms to fight off infection, toxins and the every day stress we throw at it but it can’t do it indefinitely.  The world we live in now has changed much faster than our bodies have evolved.  Constant exposure to toxins in the foods we eat and the air we breath coupled with being “on” 24/7 never allow for time to rest and repair which can show up in how we feel and the symptoms we present with.  My goal is to work intimately with clients to address these symptoms through labs, supplements and most importantly lifestyle modification so that we can all feel our best.

My Training


2001 – Associate Degree of Nursing, Bakersfield College 

2009 – Masters of Business Administration, Stetson School of Business Mercer University

2010 – Doctorate of Pharmacy, Mercer University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences


2017-2024 – American Academy of HIV Medicine Pharmacist

2023 – Integrative Pharmacist Specialist certificate

2024 – Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, IFM

2024 – Functional Medicine University

2024 – 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Renew (in progress)